
Saturday's Show - 4th October 2014

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Welcome to MatrixFilesRadio.com and all the knowledge and research materials from 30 years of study and experience.

The link to my radio show for Saturday 4th October 2014 is:


I thought that my show on the 30th of September would be my last but I have realised that I have left a few loose ends that I want to deal with.

One of these loose ends is doing the golden nuggets for the last two live shows. I don't want to become lazy right at the end!

Also there is much to discuss from the last show and bits and pieces that were left out.

I will also be going over what I see as the fraud and deception that has been promoted about the name and how to play in this world and not be the effect of it.

I will also be introducing an opportunity that I know will be part of my future and for anyone who wants to join me and start moving forward to a better future for themselves I will be their mentor in handling various attitudes that one may have that have been taken on board, maybe without one even realizing it.

So please join me for one last show of Unhooking Yourself from the Matrix.

References may be available here:


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